Total Produce Commits To Carbon Neutral Participation At Fruit Logistica 2020

Total Produce is pleased to confirm that, for the second year running, the group’s participation at Fruit Logistica will be Carbon Neutral and that this year, our colleagues in Dole Food Company will be joining us in supporting this initiative.

In association with Vita, an Irish development partner working with communities in Africa to fight hunger and climate change, Total Produce has committed to offset carbon emissions associated with exhibiting in, and travelling to, the Messe Berlin by investing in Carbon Credits.

The initiative will see Vita once again independently calculate and total the estimated carbon emissions associated with the construction and operation of the Total Produce stand, long haul and short haul travel to the event and accommodation for all Total Produce and Dole attendees. 

Total Produce has committed to invest in Carbon Credits to the value of the total tonnage of CO2 emissions estimated by Vita, the revenue from which will fund Vita projects to provide water pumps and stoves dedicated to bringing clean water to communities in Africa while reducing wood burning, water borne disease and needless drudgery for African women and children.

Total Produce’s priority will always be, in the first instance to reduce carbon consumption.  Removing as it does the need for many additional trips to growers, customers and sister companies throughout the year, for Total Produce, Fruit Logistica is, in of itself, already an instrument for reducing international travel- and by extension the Group’s carbon emissions.   Offsetting the carbon consumption associated with participation in Berlin is a complementary step and but one component in a larger suite of measures being undertaken as part of our Vision 20/20 project dedicated to reducing environmental impact across Total Produce’s global operations.

Total Produce’s stand at Fruit Logistica 2019 will be located in Hall 5.2 on Stand A-07 in the Messe Berlin.


For further information:

Vincent Dolan

Group Marketing Director

Total Produce Plc

Tel:  +353 42 9388707

